Some subchapters of "From Ghana and Mali to Songhay: The Mande factor in Gao history", In: D. Lange, Ancient Kingdoms of West Africa: Africa-Centred and Canaanite-Israelite Perspectives J. Röll, Dettelbach 2004:
-- "The Za/Zaghe of Gao-Saney and the Almoravids", in: D. Lange, Ancient Kingdoms, 498-509.
-- "The domination of Mali and the emergence of Songhay", in: D. Lange, Ancient Kingdoms, 516-531.
-- "Songhay from Sonni Ali to Askiya Muhammad", in: D. Lange, Ancient Kingdoms, 531-7.
-- "Bibliography of Songhay history", in: D. Lange, Ancient Kingdoms, 540-4.
2004b "Not yet Songhay", Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 99, 2, 145-156.
2004c "Review of Farias, Inscriptions" , Afrika und Übersee 87 (2004), 302-305.
1996 "La chute de la dynastie des Sissé: Considérations sur la dislocation de l'empire du Ghana à partir de l'histoire de Gao", History in Africa 23, 155-178 (reprinted in Lange, Ancient Kingdoms, 431-454; comments, 563-4).
1994 "From Mande to Songhay: Towards a political and ethnic history of medieval Gao", Journal of African History 35, 275-301 (reprinted in Lange, Ancient Kingdoms, 403-429; comments, 562-3).
1991 "Les rois de Gao-Sané et les Almoravides", Journal of African History 32, 251-275 (reprinted in Lange, Ancient Kingdoms, 377-401; comments, 562).
1988 "Neue Erkenntnisse zur Geschichte von Songhay", Afrika und Übersee 71, 5-15.
The history of Songhay is also considered in the following publications:
2005 "Zwischen Wüste und Regenwald - die Großreiche der westlichen Sudanzone", H. Hogen (ed.), Welt- und Kulturgeschichte, Bd. 9, Hamburg 2006, 114-138.
1996 "The Almoravid expansion and the downfall of Ghana", Der Islam 73, 122-159 (reprinted in Lange, Ancient Kingdoms, 455-493; comments, 564-5).
1992a "Das alte Mali und Ghana: Die Kritik einer historiographischen Fiktion", Historische Zeitschrift 255, 587-623.
1992b "Ein vernachlässigtes Forschungsgebiet: die Geschichte des westafrikanischen Mittelalters", Saeculum 43, 4, 291-306.